

React-Native SDK

Rio has an SDK for React Native. You need to have a Rio projectId to use our SDK.


Using npm:

npm install @retter/rn-sdk

Using yarn:

yarn add @retter/rn-sdk

This package uses @react-native-async-storage/async-storage as a dependency. If you use bare react native project, head over to installation documents of this package.



Clients should initialize with project id. Instances with same project id always be cached.

import Retter from '@retter/sdk'

const rio = Retter.getInstance(config: RetterClientConfig)

interface RetterClientConfig {
    projectId: string
    rootProjectId?: string
    region?: RetterRegion
    platform?: string
    culture?: string

projectId: Unique id of a project created in Console

region: Could be euWest1 or euWest1Beta

platform: ios, android, web, ...

culture: tr, en-US, vs....


Retter uses custom token to authenticate. This custom tokens can be given by an action or a cloud object.

await rio.authenticateWithCustomToken('{CUSTOM_TOKEN}')

Authentication statuses can be listened. SDK will fire an event that clients can be subscribe on status change.

rio.authStatus.subscribe((event: RetterAuthChangedEvent) => {

Event gives information about current auth status. Clients can check the authStatus to determine if they need to show login/register pages or not.

interface RetterAuthChangedEvent {
    authStatus: RetterAuthStatus
    identity?: string
    uid?: string
    message?: string

enum RetterAuthStatus {

Cloud Objects

SDK will allow to use Retter Cloud Objects. Clients can subscribe realtime state changes, trigger cloud methods, ...

Firstly, a cloud object must be initilize with classId. Additional config options can be seen in interface below.

const cloudObject = await rio.getCloudObject(config: RetterCloudObjectConfig)

interface RetterCloudObjectConfig {
    classId: string
    key?: {
        name: string
        value: string
    instanceId?: string
    method?: string
    headers?: {
        [key: string]: string
    queryStringParams?: {
        [key: string]: string
    body?: {
        [key: string]: any
    httpMethod?: 'get' | 'delete' | 'post' | 'put'
    base64Encode?: boolean // default: true, only get requests

State Subscription

Clients can be subscribe to realtime state (public, user and role states) changes. On first subscription, it gives current state.

cloudObject.state.public.subscribe((state: { [key: string]: any }) => {

cloudObject.state.user.subscribe((state: { [key: string]: any }) => {

cloudObject.state.role.subscribe((state: { [key: string]: any }) => {

Method Calls

Any cloud method can be called via sdk. method parameter must be specified. Other parameters can be seen in interface below.

const response = await RetterCloudObjectCall)

interface RetterCloudObjectCall {
    method: string
    headers?: {
        [key: string]: string
    queryStringParams?: {
        [key: string]: string
    body?: {
        [key: string]: any
    httpMethod?: 'get' | 'delete' | 'post' | 'put' // default: post
    base64Encode?: boolean // default: true, only get requests
    retryConfig: {
        delay?: number // 50ms
        count?: number // 3
        rate?: number // 1.5

Call method will return a response with RetterCallResponse type includes data, status and headers.

Getting State

Clients also access state via method call.

const response = await cloudObject.getState(params: RetterCloudObjectRequest)

interface RetterCloudObjectRequest {
    headers?: {
        [key: string]: string
    queryStringParams?: {
        [key: string]: string
    body?: {
        [key: string]: any
    httpMethod?: 'get' | 'delete' | 'post' | 'put'

Get stae method will return a response with RetterCallResponse type includes data<RetterCloudObjectState>, status and headers.

Available Methods

Cloud objects available methods can be accessed on methods array/

const methods = cloudObject.methods: RetterCloudObjectMethod[]

interface RetterCloudObjectMethod {
    tag?: string
    name: string
    sync?: boolean
    readonly?: boolean
    inputModel?: string
    outputModel?: string
    queryStringModel?: string

Instance List

const instanceIds = await cloudObject.listInstances()