
Change Log

Change Logs


  • Custom token expire time became configurable
  • CORS configuration support added to class template model
  • RDK v2.0.13 released
  • JS/TS SDK v0.7.2 released


  • started using RS256 encryption algorithm for session tokens
  • SecurityHeadersPolicy added to Cloudfront policies (optionally)


  • Node.js version upgraded to 20.x


  • Routerless 👑 project support added.
  • Method call retry configuration fixed.
  • TTL support added to increment database operation on RDK (v2.0.12 released)


  • Asynchronous READ and STATIC method types added to support long running read only methods.
  • Suffix added to requestId for queued write methods for resolving the conflict between log records.


  • Accelerated state management fixed.

You must migrate to the new Rio Administrator Console to manage deployments from now on.


  • Custom prefix support added to project id on rio api.


  • All related event rules deleted when a class deleted.
  • Token expiration days became manageable via environment variables.
  • Validation support added to models during deployment.


  • Garbage collector added to the deployment farm for preventing the nodes from filling up all the storage.
  • Deploying a single class deprecated.
  • Captcha support added to developer console.


  • Deployment farm added for faster deployments with caching supports for NPM and Docker.


  • Infrequent access log group support added.
  • Log retention enabled for all log groups.


  • Lock ownership improved for queued write methods to explain the identity of current lock owner.
  • AWS SDK version upgraded.


  • Caching enabled for OPTIONS requests.


  • Invitation to developer console fixed.
  • AWS SDK versions upgraded.
  • Logs moved to Firehose.


  • Signed Url support added to File Storage operations.
  • Size limit applied to payload for the log adapters: 1 MB.


  • On purpose delay support added for initiating a new instance from a class.


  • Lock mechanism improved for stable concurrency management.
  • x-srv-time header added to all responses.
  • An environment variable added to support logs on authentication api.
  • An environment variable added to manage max age for token verification.


  • Old Memory operations deprecated. Instead, use global memory or database operations with memory:true flag.
  • Concurrency breach error fixed.
  • Quota and usage presentations improved on developer console.

You must run OldMemoryToDatabaseMigration before switching to v2.0.7.


  • Batch processing support added to queue handlers.
  • Obfuscation support added to deployment.
  • Typescript support added to dependencies.


  • Quota management and tracking support added.
  • Removing a database partition operation added.
  • Metadata support added to file storage operations.
  • Logs simplified for core implementations.


  • Versioning support added to the states.


  • Migration tool added for version update: v1 -> v2.
  • Dark mode support added for developer console.
  • State update via developer console support added.
  • Kinesis support added to log adapters.


  • Default project template updated.
  • Validation support added to the environment variables of the projects.
  • Headers support added to filters on authentication rules.


  • Support added for long running queued write methods.
  • Authentication rules support added.
  • Validation applied to all class templates during project deployment.

You must run LongRunningUpdater before switching to v2.0.7.


  • console logs separated by delegate methods.
  • various improvements on console.


  • Increment database operation added.
  • Deleting itself prevented from a write method.
  • ECR clean up added.
  • Keyboard shortcuts added for saving and deploying on developer console.
  • Current Rio version added to developer console.


  • classId scope added to lookup keys.
  • RDK response types improved with operation-specific models.
  • Lookup key support added to task scheduling.
  • Queued Write method response status change to 570 from 575.


  • Prevented direct RDK write calls to the same instance.
  • Static method support added to RDK.httpRequest callback handlers.
  • Environment support added to destination and log configurations.


  • CDK version upgraded in core stack.
  • Error management improved to provide better explanation on errors.
  • Masking applied to log records by a configuration template.


  • Sorted Set operations deprecated. Use Database operations instead.
  • Security improved on underlying root project.
  • Token API separated from core.
  • Model deployment improved for faster access in runtime.


  • Removed data.context.action from the data object.
  • Moved data.context.pathParameters to data.request.pathParameters.
  • Removed data.schedule and from the data object.
  • Removed InitResponse and StepResponse. All delegates should return the Data type.
  • Deprecated architectures and tags fields in the class template.
  • Removed support for x86 architectures.
  • Combined separate package.json files in the class folders into a single file located at the root path of the project. Class based package.json files are now redundant.
  • If the aws-sdk npm package is used in a project, it must now be added to the package.json file.
  • Replaced none identity with anonymous_user for consistency.
  • New versions of @retter/rdk and @retter/rio-cli should be used.
  • Cache-Control header in the authorizer is now redundant.


This version was released on November 10, 2022.

  • Max 500 KB allowed for internal logs and max. 5 KB allowed for gray log adapter.
  • AUTH structure moved to core from root project.
  • Database operations' memory feature's cache writes optimized.
  • If there is getInstanceId delegate method, instanceId added to authorizer context in INIT flow.
  • Missing logs during shutdown fixed.
  • Storage and write metrics added.


This version was released on October 27, 2022.

  • Scan job status changes fixed and methods changed to QUEUED_WRITE.
  • Project user's authentication moved from root project to core api.
  • Prefix added to instance id list in RDK.
  • listInstanceIds method's response model fixed in RDK.

Some features require RDK v1.3.9 to be able to work properly.


This version was released on October 12, 2022.

  • Authentication rules added.
  • Custom domain support added for RIO API endpoint.
  • Support for accessing lookup keys from multiple classes added.
  • Some special characters (!,#,%) are not allowed in lookup keys anymore.
  • Destination messages singularized against deduplication protection.


This version was released on October 3, 2022.

  • Subscribing events from multiple classes support added.
  • Validation errors improved in QUEUED_WRITE method response.
  • BUG FIX: Session name length fixed in assumed roles for operations.
  • BUG FIX: Overwriting private state before pushing to destinations fixed.


This version was released on September 29, 2022.

  • VTL support added for destinations.
  • Bulk import operation added via RDK.
  • Various metadata (modifier details) added to instance documents.
  • Custom JSON and YAML files accepted in source code.
  • Remote deployment automation simplified by removing AWS SES dependency.
  • Invitation / OTP conflict fixed.
  • Garbage collector improved.
  • BUG FIX: Instance flag removed from cache when a class deleted

Some features require RDK v1.3.8 to be able to work properly.


This version was released on September 15, 2022.

  • Obsolete layer versions will be removed during deployments.
  • Delete instance operation added.
  • If requests and/or responses are larger then 10 KB, they replaced with a simple warning text to prevent logging and 3rd party integration failures.
  • Garbage collector improved.
  • REST support added for API Gateway. It can be selected via an environment variable.
  • Filters support added to destinations.
  • Some special characters (!,#,%) are not allowed in instance id anymore.

Some features require RDK v1.3.7 to be able to work properly.


This version was released on September 8, 2022.

  • BUG FIX: Pushing empty states from static method calls to destinations fixed.


This version was released on September 7, 2022.

  • Destination handlers' timeouts decreased to 5 seconds.
  • Tasks started to accept retryConfig.
  • Scan jobs shows up the reason if they fail.
  • Throws a specific error with detailed explanation (CouldNotParseData) if response data's model is invalid.
  • Default tags (projectid, classid) added to instance objects.
  • Remove protection added for classes.
  • Event subscription filters are not required anymore.
  • Task manager pushes QUEUED_WRITE methods into their queues after provided amount of seconds instead of pushing them immediately.

Some features require RDK v1.3.6 to be able to work properly.
