allows developers to:
- Connect to a MongoDB database using a URI.
- Perform operations on a specific collection.
- Utilize MongoDB CRUD and aggregation operations in a structured manner.
Version Compatibility: Compatible with RIO version 2.1.21 and above. and RDK 2.0.27 and above
Operation Exclusivity: Only one operation (e.g., find
, insertOne
) should be provided per request.
Function Signature
rdk.mongodb(request: MongoRequest): Promise<MongoResponse>
An object specifying the MongoDB operation and its parameters.
A promise resolving to the result of the operation or an error if the operation fails.
Request Parameters
Common Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
uri | string | MongoDB connection URI. | Yes |
database | string | The database name to perform the operation on. | Yes |
collection | string | The collection name to perform the operation on. | Yes |
Supported Operations
Each operation accepts specific fields. Below are details about the operations and their parameters:
Find Operations
Operation | Interface | Parameters |
find | MongoFind | filter , skip , limit , options |
findOne | BaseMongoQuery | filter , options |
Update Operations
Operation | Interface | Parameters |
updateOne | MongoQueryWithUpdate | filter , update , options (supports upsert ) |
updateMany | MongoQueryWithUpdate | filter , update , options (supports upsert ) |
findOneAndUpdate | MongoQueryWithUpdate | filter , update , options (e.g., returnDocument , upsert ) |
Insert Operations
Operation | Interface | Parameters |
insertOne | MongoInsertOne | document , options |
insertMany | MongoInsertMany | documents , options |
Delete Operations
Operation | Interface | Parameters |
deleteOne | BaseMongoQuery | filter , options |
deleteMany | BaseMongoQuery | filter , options |
findOneAndDelete | BaseMongoQuery | filter , options |
Advanced Operations
Operation | Interface | Parameters |
aggregate | MongoAggregate | pipeline , options |
countDocuments | MongoCountDocuments | filter , options |
distinct | MongoDistinct | key , filter |
Example Usage
Insert a Document
const insertOneResult = await rdk.mongodb({
database: 'admin',
collection: 'users',
insertOne: {
document: {
name: 'John Doe',
email: 'john.doe@example.com',
Update a Document (Upsert)
const updateOneResult = await rdk.mongodb({
database: 'admin',
collection: 'users',
updateOne: {
filter: { email: 'john.doe@example.com' },
update: { $set: { name: 'John Updated' } },
options: { upsert: true },
Query Multiple Documents
const findResult = await rdk.mongodb({
database: 'admin',
collection: 'users',
find: {
filter: { isActive: true },
limit: 10,
Perform Aggregation
const aggregateResult = await rdk.mongodb({
database: 'admin',
collection: 'orders',
aggregate: {
pipeline: [
{ $match: { status: 'shipped' } },
{ $group: { _id: '$customerId', totalOrders: { $sum: 1 } } },
Count Documents
const countResult = await rdk.mongodb({
database: 'admin',
collection: 'users',
countDocuments: {
filter: { isActive: true },
Error Handling
Response Structure
All operations return a structured response:
interface MongoResponse {
success: boolean;
data?: any;
error?: any;
if (!response.success) {
console.error('Error:', response.error);
For additional questions or troubleshooting, refer to the RDK MongoDB documentation or contact support.