Database is a built-in NoSQL data storage with in-memory acceleration layer that you can interact via RDK.
- You cannot write more than 25 records in parallel.
- You cannot increase paths in parallel.
- You cannot get more than 100 records in parallel.
- You cannot remove more than 25 records in parallel.
- You cannot run more than 10 queries in parallel.
interface WriteToDatabase {
partKey: string
sortKey: string
memory?: boolean
data: Record<string, any>
interface IncrementDatabase {
partKey: string
sortKey: string
path?: string
value: number
memory?: boolean
expireAt?: number,
interface ReadDatabase {
partKey: string
sortKey: string
memory?: boolean
interface QueryDatabase {
partKey: string
beginsWith?: string
greaterOrEqual?: string
lessOrEqual?: string
reverse?: boolean
nextToken?: string
limit?: number
interface RemovePartitionFromDatabase {
partKey: string
interface RemoveFromDatabase extends RemovePartitionFromDatabase {
sortKey: string
interface OperationResponse {
success: boolean
data?: any
error?: string
export interface ReadDatabaseResponse extends OperationResponse {
data?: { part: string, sort: string, data?: any }
export type DatabaseOutput = { partKey: string, sortKey: string, data?: any }
export interface QueryDatabaseResponse extends OperationResponse {
data?: { items?: DatabaseOutput[], nextToken?: string }
async function writeToDatabase(input: WriteToDatabase): Promise<OperationResponse | undefined> {
async function incrementDatabase(input: IncrementDatabase): Promise<OperationResponse | undefined> {
async function readDatabase(input: ReadDatabase): Promise<ReadDatabaseResponse | undefined> {
async function queryDatabase(input: QueryDatabase): Promise<QueryDatabaseResponse | undefined> {
async function removeFromDatabase(input: RemoveFromDatabase): Promise<OperationResponse | undefined> {
async function removePartitionFromDatabase(input: RemovePartitionFromDatabase): Promise<OperationResponse | undefined> {
import RDK from '@retter/rdk'
const rdk = new RDK()
await rdk.writeToDatabase({ partKey: 'my-part', sortKey: 'my-sort', memory: true, data: { key: 'value' } })
await rdk.readDatabase({ partKey: 'my-part', sortKey: 'my-sort', memory: true })
await rdk.queryDatabase({ partKey: 'my-part', beginsWith: 'my', limit: 10 })
await rdk.removeFromDatabase({ partKey: 'my-part', sortKey: 'my-sort' })
await rdk.pipeline()
.writeToDatabase({ partKey: 'my-part', sortKey: 'my-sort', memory: true, data: { key: 'value' } })
.writeToDatabase({ partKey: 'my-part', sortKey: 'my-other-sort', memory: true, data: { key: 'value2' } })
.readDatabase({ partKey: 'my-part', sortKey: 'my-sort', memory: true })
.queryDatabase({ partKey: 'my-part', beginsWith: 'my', limit: 10 })
.removeFromDatabase({ partKey: 'my-part', sortKey: 'my-sort' })
.removePartitionFromDatabase({ partKey: 'my-part' })
API Reference
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
partKey | string | true | Partition key of the record |
sortKey | string | true | Sort key of the record |
memory | boolean | false | Flag to decide whether to put the data into memory or not |
expireAt | number | false | Timestamp in seconds to expire at |
data | Record<string, any> | true | Actual data of the record |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
partKey | string | true | Partition key of the record |
sortKey | string | true | Sort key of the record |
path | string | false | Path to increase the value. If you don't provide it, data will end up as a number |
memory | boolean | false | Flag to decide whether to put the data into memory or not |
value | number | true | Amount |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
partKey | string | true | Partition key of the record |
sortKey | string | true | Sort key of the record |
memory | boolean | false | Flag to decide whether to put the data into memory or not |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
partKey | string | true | Partition key of the record |
sortKey | string | true | Sort key of the record |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
partKey | string | true | Partition key of the record |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
partKey | string | true | Partition key of the record |
beginsWith | string | false | Comparison filter for sort key |
greaterOrEqual | string | false | Comparison filter for sort key |
lessOrEqual | string | false | Comparison filter for sort key |
reverse | boolean | false | Flag to decide whether to scan data backwards or not |
nextToken | string | false | Pagination token |
limit | number | false | Limits the number of records in the result |
Operation Output
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
success | boolean | true | Returns true if operation is successful |
data | any | false | Successful response |
error | string | false | Reason of failure |
Read Database Response
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
success | boolean | true | Returns true if operation is successful |
data | { part: string, sort: string, data?: any } | false | Successful response |
error | string | false | Reason of failure |
Remove Partition From Database Response
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
success | boolean | true | Returns true if operation is successful |
data | { executionId: string } | false | Successful response |
error | string | false | Reason of failure |
Query Database Response
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
success | boolean | true | Returns true if operation is successful |
data | { items?: DatabaseOutput[], nextToken?: string } | false | Successful response |
error | string | false | Reason of failure |