

Lookup Keys

You can use lookup keys to assign multiple references to instances. Most common use of a lookup key is to assign email and msisdn to a user's profile. Thus, you can reach the instance by calling it with email or msisdn.

  • You cannot get more than 100 keys in parallel.
  • You cannot set more than 25 keys in parallel.
  • You cannot delete more than 25 keys in parallel.
interface LookUpKey {
    key: {
        name: string
        value: string

interface GetLookUpKey extends LookUpKey {
    classId?: string

interface OperationResponse {
    success: boolean
    data?: any
    error?: string

export interface GetLookupKeyResponse extends OperationResponse {
    data?: { instanceId: string }

async function getLookUpKey(input: GetLookUpKey): Promise<OperationResponse | undefined> {
    // ...

async function setLookUpKey(input: LookUpKey): Promise<OperationResponse | undefined> {
    // ...

async function deleteLookUpKey(input: LookUpKey): Promise<OperationResponse | undefined> {
    // ...


import RDK from '@retter/rdk'

const rdk = new RDK()

await rdk.getLookupKey({ key: { name: 'msisdn', value: '905987654321' } })
await rdk.getLookupKey({ classId: 'SampleClass', key: { name: 'msisdn', value: '905987654321' } })
await rdk.setLookupKey({ key: { name: 'msisdn', value: '905987654321' } })
await rdk.deleteLookupKey({ key: { name: 'msisdn', value: '905987654321' } })

await rdk.pipeline()
    .setLookupKey({ key: { name: 'msisdn', value: '905987654321' } })
    .getLookupKey({ key: { name: 'msisdn', value: '905987654321' } })
    .deleteLookupKey({ key: { name: 'msisdn', value: '905987654321' } })

API Reference

Lookup Key Input

key{ name: string, value: string }trueLookup key's name and value

Get Lookup Key Input

classIdstringfalseClass id that instance id belongs to

Operation Output

successbooleantrueReturns true if operation is successful
dataanyfalseSuccessful response
errorstringfalseReason of failure

Get Lookup Key Response

successbooleantrueReturns true if operation is successful
data{ instanceId: string }falseSuccessful response
errorstringfalseReason of failure