


Beside frameworks' dependencies (npm), there are also dependencies that are not part of the framework itself. At this point, Rio supports custom build dependencies. You can add your custom build dependencies to your class' template file in order to use across classes.

Rio support dependencies in Typescript as well as it supports Javascript dependencies.

There are two types of dependencies:

  • Local Dependencies (Bundled with your source code)
  • Cloud Dependencies (Generated via RDK)


There are some common case when we need to use reusable components from our source code like error messages, utility functions or data. Local dependencies are the solution here to those problems in seconds nanoseconds. Dependencies will be mounted into your class even before state and help you get rid of some boilerplate code into them.

// dependencies/mylib/index.js

function multiply(a, b) {
  return a * b

module.exports = {

In order to use dependency, you need to import it in your class' template file.

You can add up to 5 dependencies to your classes.

# classes/User/template.yml

authorizer: index.authorizer
init: index.init
getState: index.getState
getInstanceId: index.getInstanceId
  - mylib
  - method: login
    handler: index.login


In some cases, you may need to create a dependency on runtime via RDK (Retter Development Kit). You can add dependency source code into a zip file and create dependency.

Classes that use cloud dependencies need to be re-deployed to the cloud.


import RDK, {Data} from "@retter/rdk";
import AdmZip from "adm-zip";

const rdk = new RDK();

export async function generateCloudDependency(data: Data): Promise<Data> {
    const customData = {
        userName: 'John Doe',
        isAwesome: true,
        reusable: true

    const zip = new AdmZip();
    zip.addFile('nodejs/node_modules/myCloudLib/data.json', Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(customData)))

    await rdk.upsertDependency({
        dependencyName: 'myCloudLib',
        zipFile: zip.toBuffer(),

    return data

You can use multiple dependencies in your class


authorizer: index.authorizer
init: index.init
getState: index.getState
getInstanceId: index.getInstanceId
  - myCloudLib
  - otherLocalLib
  - method: deliver
    handler: operations.deliver